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Effectively Fighting Forest Fires With ePMP Connectivity

November 05, 2019 By BlueAlly

by Atul Bhatnagar, President and CEO, Cambium Networks

Innovative people are deploying wireless broadband connectivity in applications that are truly changing lives. This year, Sintecsys is among the innovative network operators we recognized for their ingenuity. Located in Brazil, this agricultural technology company designed and deployed a real-time fire outbreak detection system that uses remote video surveillance cameras connected by an ePMP™ wireless broadband communications infrastructure. The system protects more than 3 million hectares of land.

With the Amazon Rain Forest fires in August, and the recent fires that continue to burn in California, it is important to protect our resources. It is essential to detect forest fire disasters as rapidly as possible to minimize damage and risk to lives.

Sintecsys worked with local agriculture and forestry businesses to design the solution that includes streaming video from 50 towers located across six states in Brazil. Each tower covers thousands of hectares of forest.

Deploying the system was a challenge. Each of the towers was set up within one day by Sintecsys’ Cambium Networks-trained and certified team. The towers are interconnected with long-distance Point-to-Point (PTP) wireless broadband links.

The system results are impressive and demonstrate the business value of connecting remote locations:

  • In five minutes, the system can detect and locate a fire, where the process took, on average, 60 minutes previously.
  • Early detection enables response teams to get to the right location the first time, and the system is estimated to yield a 90% reduction in the loss from wildfires.
  • Each of their client organizations is estimated to save $600,000 per season by reducing loss.
  • The system yielded a three-month payback.

Osmar Rossetto Bambini Filho, Chief Innovation Officer at Sintecsys says about the ePMP system, “It is a robust and reliable platform. We consider Cambium Networks to be the best radio communications solution on the market.”

Read the Sintecsys case study on this deployment here.

Each network is unique, and each has its own story. The technologies of the Cambium Networks Wireless Fabric of connectivity solutions can be configured to meet the connectivity and business needs for a wide range of applications.